ISO 14171: S2
AWS A5.17: EМ12
ГОСТ 2246-70: Св-08ГА

Solid wire for SAW of low carbon unalloyed structural steels and low alloyed steels with yield strength up to 420 N/mm2. It can be used in combination with any neutral and slightly oxidation welding fluxes.

Typical chemical composition

% weight C Si Mn
Wire composition 0,07 0,07 0,9

Typical mechanical properties all weld metal

Yield strength R0, N/mm2 (MPa) 400
Tensile strength Rm, N/mm2 (MPa) 510
Elngation A( L0 = 5d0) 30
Impact energy ISO V  KV, J +20⁰ С 140
                                            -30⁰ С ≥ 50

Available diameters and packaging

Packing 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,6 2,0 3,0 4,0
Spool BS200 5кг - - - - - - -
Spool BS300 15-18кг - - x х - - -
Spool К415 25-30кг - - - х х х х
DizhkaPack 250кг - - - х х - -